
We are having a blast being in a rock band and our job is a simple one:  Play music, everyone has a great time.  So if you have ever been to a CK show, odds are you have acquired a can cooler.  They keep your beverage cold, your hand not, and they are a neat way of identifying your drink from everyone else’s.   How on earth can you improve this nifty invention? 

Well, we have the bright idea that if we asked our friends and fans to snap a picture of themselves with their koozie and share it on their social media of choice, it could totally go viral!  Check out fan submissions >

See #ckcancooler Submissions!

There’s always opportunity to take a quick pic of you and your koozie.
See Fan Submissions >

What adventures will you and your Koozie be up to?  

Maybe you’ll give this to a friend, or perhaps end up at the bottom of your junk drawer.  Maybe you’ll bring it to a bonfire or on a fishing trip or to your favorite pub.  Your C.K. and The Gray Koozie is a symbol to not take life too seriously and enjoy good times, great friends and fantastic live music! 

Everyone has a story, share yours with us! 

The Rules:

  1. Grab a Can Cooler Koozie at a C.K. and The Gray show

  2. Snap a pic of you and your C.K. Can Cooler shenanigans (please keep it rated PG!)

  3. Upload to your favorite social media

  4. Tag it #ckcancooler along with your location and story

You can share your pic and hashtag #ckcancooler on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.  
See User Submissions >

The Koozie has had a long and colorful history. It is often referred to as Beer Hugger, Beer Sleeve, Huggie, Coolie, Kolder-Holder, Coldy-Holdy, Huggie, Coolie, Beer Rubber, Drink Sheath, Tin Can Tauntaun, Five-Fingered Savior, Fist of Bliss, and Po…

The Koozie has had a long and colorful history. It is often referred to as Beer Hugger, Beer Sleeve, Huggie, Coolie, Kolder-Holder, Coldy-Holdy, Huggie, Coolie, Beer Rubber, Drink Sheath, Tin Can Tauntaun, Five-Fingered Savior, Fist of Bliss, and Pocket Full of Five’s. There’s always opportunity to take a quick pic of you and your koozie. Get creative!

This is for recreation and fun, and please keep it rated PG!   Your entry into this Challenge constitutes your consent to the transfer of your Personal Information.  We ask you not put yourself, your Koozie or anyone else in harm’s way.  Disrespectful or hateful posts will be not be tolerated.   We care about protecting the online privacy of children.  Participants in this challenge assume parent/legal guardian consent for any posts regarding children. Please enjoy alcohol and other substances in moderation.   No Purchase Necessary and we reserve the right to change these terms without notice.